Last night The Boyfriend and I made the adventure to Wal-Mart and bought enough lunches to last me till next pay day. So woo-hoo! I got a giant variety! I'm super excited. We've got two more meals for the Steph and Jenny Extravaganza week and then I'm off to Dallas for two days. I might do a filler for the weekend so you guys aren't left completely in the dust. I make no promises. Lets get on with today's lunch!

Yup, we're back to Kashi. They try so hard to make healthy food that tastes good. I mean this thing is LOADED with protein and fiber and lord knows I could do with some of both with all the stuff I'm eating. I was honestly excited about this one. I love coconut and chicken together. I was a little iffy about the lemongrass. I have never had anything that is lemongrass...ed. Hopefully it would not end up like the disaster that was the Mayan Harvest Bakeopolyse *shiver*
The picture doesn't look that bad. Does it? Yeah...yeah it does. Well lets just hope it looks better after it's cooked. It smelled pretty good. I had to take it out halfway and stir it up and it looked pretty much identical to the box art. I was shocked. Then I mixed it up and it kinda lost its appeal. Two and a half more minutes of cooking and Ta Da!

Kashi has a problem with making their food look like vomit. At least I didn't burn this one. It looks pretty similar to the box I guess. It still looks like chunky vomit. Now this wasn't too bad. The lemongrass was really strong and I could taste no coconut at all. The chicken bits tasted really good, as well as the little beans. The broccoli was in a sad over cooked limp state. Fortunately, the carrots in this tasted and had the same constancy of carrots! Huzzah! Kashi can make carrots correctly. The stuff that it is all sitting on had barley any taste of its own, all I could taste was lemongrass. Not that this is a bad thing. If you like lemongrass you'll loooove this. I was just not a big fan. It wasn't awful but it wasn't jump for joy.
I didn't finish it if that says anything. I recommend at least trying it. It does look like chunky vomit but most of it was good and if you like lemongrass you'll loooove this.
The Boyfriend also had lunch and wanted to share what he had.

He really ripped into this box. OMGLEANCUISNEPANINI'S! I was so jealous when I saw him making this. I looooove these guys. They are so delicious. If you have never had them, go. Go now. RUN! RUN TO THE STORE! THEY ARE SO GOOD!
When he was making this is when I decided to take a break to eat. Cause it all smelled so good. The Chicken club is like bacon heaven and as we all know, Bacon is the candy of the meat family. It smelled so good in the microwave.

.....You know on film, this does not look good at all. But do not let this picture fool you. The panini's are so good. The Boyfriend was nice enough to let me eat some of it. He almost didn't let me, but he saw me drooling from my desk. OMGAH Bacon Enlightenment, in my mouth. So so so so good.
Can you guys tell I like these? Yeah. I do. I'm sure we'll come back to these another day. Cause they are my favorite.
That is all for today. I may do another post tonight (we totally bought microwavable deserts P:), but again, I make no promises. Tomorrow is the wrap up of the Jenny and Steph extravaganza week. And then I'm off to Dallas. So till tomorrow...or time!
Ugh my burps taste like lemongrass.
Yup, we're back to Kashi. They try so hard to make healthy food that tastes good. I mean this thing is LOADED with protein and fiber and lord knows I could do with some of both with all the stuff I'm eating. I was honestly excited about this one. I love coconut and chicken together. I was a little iffy about the lemongrass. I have never had anything that is lemongrass...ed. Hopefully it would not end up like the disaster that was the Mayan Harvest Bakeopolyse *shiver*
The picture doesn't look that bad. Does it? Yeah...yeah it does. Well lets just hope it looks better after it's cooked. It smelled pretty good. I had to take it out halfway and stir it up and it looked pretty much identical to the box art. I was shocked. Then I mixed it up and it kinda lost its appeal. Two and a half more minutes of cooking and Ta Da!
Kashi has a problem with making their food look like vomit. At least I didn't burn this one. It looks pretty similar to the box I guess. It still looks like chunky vomit. Now this wasn't too bad. The lemongrass was really strong and I could taste no coconut at all. The chicken bits tasted really good, as well as the little beans. The broccoli was in a sad over cooked limp state. Fortunately, the carrots in this tasted and had the same constancy of carrots! Huzzah! Kashi can make carrots correctly. The stuff that it is all sitting on had barley any taste of its own, all I could taste was lemongrass. Not that this is a bad thing. If you like lemongrass you'll loooove this. I was just not a big fan. It wasn't awful but it wasn't jump for joy.
I didn't finish it if that says anything. I recommend at least trying it. It does look like chunky vomit but most of it was good and if you like lemongrass you'll loooove this.
The Boyfriend also had lunch and wanted to share what he had.
He really ripped into this box. OMGLEANCUISNEPANINI'S! I was so jealous when I saw him making this. I looooove these guys. They are so delicious. If you have never had them, go. Go now. RUN! RUN TO THE STORE! THEY ARE SO GOOD!
When he was making this is when I decided to take a break to eat. Cause it all smelled so good. The Chicken club is like bacon heaven and as we all know, Bacon is the candy of the meat family. It smelled so good in the microwave.
.....You know on film, this does not look good at all. But do not let this picture fool you. The panini's are so good. The Boyfriend was nice enough to let me eat some of it. He almost didn't let me, but he saw me drooling from my desk. OMGAH Bacon Enlightenment, in my mouth. So so so so good.
Can you guys tell I like these? Yeah. I do. I'm sure we'll come back to these another day. Cause they are my favorite.
That is all for today. I may do another post tonight (we totally bought microwavable deserts P:), but again, I make no promises. Tomorrow is the wrap up of the Jenny and Steph extravaganza week. And then I'm off to Dallas. So till tomorrow...or time!
Ugh my burps taste like lemongrass.
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