Thursday, October 29, 2009

You got Cheese in my Choclate! You got Choclate on my Cheese!!!

Today's has not been a very good day. Didn't sleep well, headaches, my arm hurts for some odd reason. Just one of those days. Even my horoscope said "Hey uhh don't go outside." So when it came to Lunch I was a little scared of what I was going to eat, in fear that it was going to end in disaster. I decided that I should avoid all super delicious foods because I don't want them to end badly, I would be oh-so-sad. The other night we got a few more meals so I decided to just go with something that was pretty simple and straight forward, to avoid any pending doom.

I can even save $6 bucks! I probably should dig that coupon out. Like I said, pretty straight forward. Hard to mess up chicken fingers, mac and cheese and a delicious brownie. What makes me nervous though, is that someone thought it was a great idea to add steam coming off the brownie. Last time I checked, if there is steam coming of a brownie, you probably shouldn't be eating it.

When I was making it, The boyfriend popped up from the couch and asked, "Are you making another Kid Cuisine?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. This is pretty much identical to the Kid Cuisines of my day. Brownies, mac and cheese, and chicken. No nutritional value what so ever! I'm sure there were corn in those back in the day. No corn here! Everything is either bread like or smothered in cheese. Aw yea.

I should probably double check my Horoscope :( The macaroni is overflowing in my brownie, GTFO Cheese! Those Chicken strips also look a little special too. The Smell of the brownie was completely over powered with everything else. The Boyfriend told me, "It smells like Chicken Fried Brownie Cheese." and it did. But I was hopeful. I have to be!!!

The chickens were awesome. With or without ketchup :) The Mac and Cheese tried its hardest to be like Luby's Mac and Cheese, but alas, it fell short. Still good, but I see what they were going for and they missed the mark. Not by much, but still. The brownie was also surprisingly delicious. Tasted like brownie to me, and that's all that really matters.

So, lucky enough for me, my lunch was not a complete disaster. There were no explosions in my mouth, nothing floating in gravey and no plantains. All in all I call it a successful lunch! Good job Banquet, you're ridiculously cheap meal passed my test. Until next time!

Happy Microwaving


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