I'm back! No no, I didn't die everyone. I was just taking a little break from blogging. Works been crazy, and I've been doing about 200x things to distract me from blogging aka friends coming into town, Setting up my original Nintendo for the first time in years and Barbarella. I have, however, been taking pictures of all my meals since my last post. So we have a lot to go through today, lets not waste any more time!
What?! More Amy's?! Hell to the yes more Amy's! For real guys, you HAVE to check these out, they are super delicious.
Hm. Special. Lets see what it looks like with a flash:
Now the pudding looks like sludge and the mac and cheese looks....different. This was decent. Warm pudding: I would advise against it. Fish sticks, decent, mac and cheese: A for Effort.
Bacon Pasta? Yes please. The Boyfriend had this the other day and got another one and let me have it. Cause he said its too delicious to not try. So I ate it.
I could live without the peas, but the rest was SO GOOD! Bacon just makes everything better, "Madam! What is this?", "Why, good sir, that would be cat poop wrapped in bacon.", "...Bacon you say?"
...>_> whoops. That's my cat and my big toe. Ha! Look at the face he's making, He says"GET ON WITH IT! AND MAKE ME MOAR FOOD PLEBEIAN!"
The Boyfriend made this one. He had already ripped the box apart before he could take a picture. But it smelled great while it was cooking.
It threw up all over. It was still pretty good. I had a bite, and it had blue cheese in it, which I HAAAATE with a fiery passion. This was actually good, I could taste the blue cheese but it wasn't overpowering. I liked The Boyfriends response to how it looked, "Hey! Baby! Look! *I look* It kind looks like the box *we look at the box* ....kind of!"
Yes More steaming food, for your face. I was scared.
WHAT IS THIS?! This is shenanigans! Where is the Marinara?! Michelina promises me pasta floating in Marinara, this...this is pathetic. However the meatballs were delicious. I also downed it in spices which made it 300x better.
*huff puff* Ok! We did it! We covered all my food for the past...however long it's been. Novemeber is here and I get paid tomorrow, so expect awesome blogs! Tomorrow we'll recap my lunch from today and tomorrow. Cause I haven't eaten yet. So! Until next time!
I am so hungry now.
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